Have you noticed that lower back pain limits basic activities like sitting, lifting, or bending? Are you frustrated that your neck pain never seems to go away completely?
At UNIQ Physical Therapy in Warminster, PA and Lansdale, PA our physical therapists are skilled at treating all types of spine pain. No matter what type of spine pain you are experiencing, we have interventions that work!
Just about everyone deals with low back pain at one point. It is estimated that up to 80 % of all Americans experience lower back pain some time in their lives. It is also one of the most common reasons people miss work and is the second most common reason people visit the doctor’s office.
Neck pain is not far behind; it is estimated that up to 70% of all people develop neck pain some time in their life. With the high rate of neck pain, the physical and mental well-being effects can’t be overlooked.
At UNIQ Physical Therapy in Warminster, PA and Lansdale, PA we are experts at rehabilitating all types of spine pain. Request an appointment today with one of our highly trained therapists!
How physical therapy in UNIQ PHYSICAL THERAPY helps
Physical therapy is an excellent resource for back and neck pain because it addresses the cause of the pain, not just the symptoms. Whether you have pain from a day of yard work, improper or prolonged postures, or a slip-and-fall accident, we get to the root of the problem.
According to the evidence on back and neck pain, physical therapy treatments are effective for acute and chronic conditions. Working with a physical therapist can help you experience an improved range of motion, restore muscle strength, and reduce tension in your spinal muscles.
Some of the physical therapy treatments for spinal rehabilitation that are most effective include:
- Manual therapy
- Joint mobilization/manipulations
- Exercise instruction (i.e., targeted stretches, strengthening, and mobility work)
- Education and instruction for understanding to address fears related to the pain
At UNIQ Physical Therapy in Warminster, PA and Lansdale, PA we offer aquatic therapy for our patients dealing with spine pain. The therapeutic benefits of water include pain relief and improved physical function without the stress of gravity. For some patients, starting in the pool is the key to their progress.
Our physical therapists provide the most advanced treatments to help you overcome your back or neck pain and find long-term relief through spinal rehabilitation.
Request an appointment today
At UNIQ Physical Therapy in Warminster, PA and Lansdale, PA our physical therapists the most effective treatments for eliminating your pain and helping you overcome your spinal pain with everyday activities.
Call today to request a comprehensive assessment at any of our physical therapy clinics and learn what steps you can take to rehabilitate your spine and get back to doing what you enjoy!
Your Next Steps…
Request An Appointment
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Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery
Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!