Are you living with sacroiliac joint dysfunction? This condition, also known as SI Dysfunction, causes a painful sensation felt in the sacroiliac joint region, which is located at the bottom of the spine. A diagnosis for sacroiliac joint dysfunction means that the joints connecting the sacrum to the pelvis are not moving properly. This condition can result in pain in the lower back, buttocks, and/or legs. Inflammation of the joints in the sacroiliac region can also occur, referred to as sacroiliitis. If you think you may be experiencing the symptoms of sacroiliac joint dysfunction, don’t hesitate to contact UNIQ Physical Therapy today. We’ll help improve your normal mobility so you can get moving comfortably again!
What exactly is sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
It is important to first understand the anatomy of the sacroiliac joint region before you can understand exactly what sacroiliac joint dysfunction is. At the bottom of your spine, there is a small triangular bone known as the sacrum. It is located below the lumbar region of the spine and above the tailbone, and it consists of five fused vertebral segments. The sacrum is connected to the pelvic bone on both the left and right sides at the sacroiliac joints.
So, what exactly do the sacroiliac joints do?
Essentially, they act as shock absorbers. Because this is their main function, they are only meant to move small amounts. However, sometimes the sacroiliac joints begin to move too much or too little – that’s when SI Dysfunction occurs. When someone has hypermobility (too much mobility) in the joints, ligaments begin to loosen, which can cause issues with movement and protection to the bones.
Hypermobility in the sacroiliac joints can occur for several reasons, including injury to the ligaments or pregnancy. When someone has hypomobility (too little mobility) in the joints, they begin to overcompensate. This can cause problems in nearby joints, resulting in abnormal movements and pain. Hypomobility in the sacroiliac joints can also occur for several reasons, including degenerative joint diseases (such as arthritis) or spinal fusion.
While pain from SI Dysfunction typically manifests in the lower back, buttocks, or legs, it can also spread to surrounding muscles. This can result in pain and muscle spasms in areas that may seem unrelated.
Looking for relief?
Contact us today!
Due to the nature of the condition and the areas of pain, it is common for sacroiliac joint dysfunction to be misdiagnosed as a herniated disc. Fortunately, at UNIQ Physical Therapy, our physical therapists are movement experts who are highly experienced in the knowledge and diagnosis of SI Dysfunction. If you think you may be suffering from symptoms in your sacroiliac joints, contact UNIQ Physical Therapy to find out for sure.
At our clinic, you will receive hands-on care from the best physical therapists in Warminster, PA. If you are looking for relief in any of these areas, we have you covered.
Our physical therapist will begin your initial session by conducting a physical exam, in order to provide the correct diagnosis for your pain and determine the best course of treatment for your needs. From there, an individualized treatment plan will be designed specifically for you, including passive and active treatments to help manage and relieve your pain.
Both the hypermobility and hypomobility that comes with sacroiliac joint dysfunction can pose significant limits to your daily life. Don’t let yourself live with pain and abnormal joint function – contact UNIQ Physical Therapy today to find relief. We can get you back to normal as quickly as possible!
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